Podback Recycling Bag
Recycle your Dolce Gusto® pods with Podback.
NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® pods can be recycled using the Podback Scheme. The Podback recycling bag has been designed to make recycling pods prepared from your NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® machine a breeze. Each bag can hold up to 80 NESCAFE® Dolce Gusto® pods.
The advanced bag design features 2 seals, a grip seal (that can re-open), and a strip adhesive seal. Both seals help to minimize odour and reduce liquid leakage. Don’t forget to drain your pods before placing them in the recycling bag, and to drain the bag before sealing.
Your sealed bag can be dropped off at a Podback recycling point. These can be found in supermarkets and recycling centres around the UK. Visit Podback.org to find your nearest recycling point and for more details of how the service works.
The Podback Recycling Bag (for Plastic Pods) is designed to be used with the Podback recycling service only. If you recycle with Podback through kerbside collection, you should use the bags provided by your local authority on behalf of Podback. For more information about recycling and Podback, visit https://www.dolce-gusto.co.uk/recycling.
1) Drain Pods
Drain pods that contain liquid before placing in bag. Caution: Contents may be hot.
2) Fill Bag
Fill bag up to dotted line with plastic pods only, ensuring they are drained of any liquid.
3) Remove Liquid
Remove any excess liquid from bag.
4) Seal Bag
Step 1. Remove any excess liquid from bag
Step 2. Peel off white strip (2) and press adhesive firmly. Ensure both seals are closed tight.
Ways to recycle with Podback
In-store: Drop off your Podback bag when you’re doing your regular shop.
Recycling Centre: Save pods loose and drop them into the Podback container at your local recycling
centre on your next visit.
How does it work?
Use the online Recycle Checker to discover how and where to recycle near you.
Enter your postcode in the Recycle Checker and the interactive map will show you where you can recycle
Click on your chosen location for details on how to recycle, including how to get your free Podback bags,
if these are required.
Additional bags can be ordered by creating an account and ordering direct from Podback.
The Podback Recycling Bag (for Plastic Pods) has been designed to make recycling pods prepared from your NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto machine a breeze.